Intelligent operations


Lightweight Orchestration Environment

LOEN is a suite of integrated services and processes, to enable the design, release and build of an entire system or an individual service at the edge, on-premise or in the cloud. Through its real world modeling, it ensures standards, security, architectural design patterns are baked into the resultant repeatable orchestrated builds.


Datacentre orchestration capability that can run at the edge.


Open standards and tools core to enable interoperability.


The LOEN engine can run on low powered devices and moved between locations.


Orchestration at the edge needs embedded intelliegence and self sufficience - LOEN enables both


LOEN enhances the traditional DevOps Lifecycle to take into consideration the new entities described in the LOEN ontology. The LOEN Lifecycle expresses stages in a similar way to the DevOps cycle, however with its richer ontology it expresses more concepts as they move through each stage.


LOEN incorporates a maturity scale for all artifacts, core entities and thus the overall system or service. Maturity is incorporated into the ontology and enables designers and edge users to progress from predominately manual to fully orchestrated builds in a managed and consistent way.


Central Intelligent Management System

CIMS enables the collection and analysis of real time and historic information within a CDDC and CDISC platform. It provides a simple interface to complex sensor information such as motion, tempertaure, tamper as well as built in interfaces to out-of-bound management platforms via standard based IPMI.


CIMS enables a holistic view of the platform by ingesting, analysing, visualising and alerting from a scalable set of sensors within a CDISC platform


IT systems management does not need to be hard. CIMS provides multiple views of information in modern simple visualisations.


CIMS has a built in event management system which is extenable via APIs and scripts. This ensures that CIMS adapts with the systems it supports.


Security is central to the CIMS concept. This is acheived through device protection and trusted code execution, secure communications, and secure storage.

A front view of an Antillion CDISC server